Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Does Headache In The Morning Mean

Adios, Scooby-Doo World Animal Day

This came by e-mail me by Cristina Perez de Libera
and I want to share with you:


could not have been otherwise. Our rural actors, those lights that usually get lost when they go to rescue, say, an animal abused, have been charged with Scooby-Doo. At the end of the day, it was a lioness no, but almost, because he belonged to the dangerous breed Great Danes. If you know or they like you, these beasts lost let you lick, you shoot back with your hugs and stress for children of pure rolling on the floor with them. In this case, the dog-lion, which the same rural areas as the newspaper 20 MINUTES Scooby-Doo named for its resemblance to the cartoon character, had acted at an alarming rate. When viewed by some walkers, passed over as far as possible, without greeting them. And then, when approaching a farm full of live animals, decided to take out two dead chickens and eat the container, any disrespect to the deceased. A wild animal, or "savage", described the gunmen as lettuce uniform. And, although the correct adjective is "feral" because we have no rain in Catalonia, the first cool again, that sounds like a bad dog, really bad, worthy of what was coming.

In fact, our forest areas are filled Scooby-doos, lassies, and even doráimons and wild, fearsome bandits who once had a home and occasionally rush against a string of sausages and hijack hiker. Usually do so to avoid starvation, the very crooks, because of hunger or loneliness is what almost all eventually die. Except the few who have the opportunity to be rescued; to those shots now grind. And is that the anesthetic darts were to take too long to take effect and, as admitted by the spokesman of rural actors without being dropped the nose, we came over the bridge of the Pilar. That is, clears the bug, Manel, if not, we are left with no vacation.

Cristina Pérez Capdet, animals released Asociació

Look confuse a lion with this issue of Dogo .....

I find it very sad all this .....


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