The fact is that due to time constraints do not comment on the blog or one hundredth of interesting articles I come from very different media. Many of these links end up buried in the Twitter or my Google Reader shared items , and when I get to look lost miserably time.
Well, that, although I do not have any interest, here are:
Biographies - Programming - Various Readings
Labor Issues - Computer Security (and other)
processing and visualization of information
several Tools - Music & Sound - Writing
What I'm reading
As always, your suggestions and comments are welcome. Labor Issues - Computer Security (and other)
processing and visualization of information
several Tools - Music & Sound - Writing
What I'm reading

always, thanks for coming . If you liked the post you can subscribe via email or through RSS feed ( more about RSS ). You can also follow through my Google Reader shared items and from Twitter. ( "But who the hell is this guy ?)
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