The truth is that I bought possibly for the wrong reasons. I thought I would be able to read my files in PDF format , although in effect Kindle natively supports PDF documents and generally shows perfectly (I tested including some protected by password), the screen 6 inches is too small to be of much use with this kind of files. Read, you can read, but is not comfortable. Disillusioned process a return on Kindle two hours of unpacking . Amazon accepted the return without any problems (the customer service of Amazon is great). Finally I decided to give a second attempt, this time using the books in the native format of the pileup, Mobi , and I'm very, very happy with the aparatejo .
(For a discussion of PDFs Juan Francisco Cantero rightly indicates "To read PDFs best tablets are now selling cheap android (below 300 €). course other option is kindle big or ipad , but price will if only to be used for that. The PDFs technical book is best read without turning, are too complex ")

The software has its flaws (I do not know to what extent is my fault for 1500 books put him to the junk at once). The case is that it tends to hang quite often when doing searches (which generally take one's own) and especially to highlight paragraphs. To bounce the Kindle slipped just hold the power button for 15 seconds. But overall experience is exceptional. There is nothing comparable to the ink-e (and I've swallowed mine on my late Toshiba Satellite). This is the future of books, I have no doubt.

So if Amazon fixes bugs software (or clearly indicates the limits of acceptable use), if they receive a better way to organize books by folders (today only allow one kind of labeling which is a bummer) and to note if you can tune it if only a little (I'd put my own screensaver without having to resort to jailbreaks and lobotomies several really do not feel like anything I do for my beautiful K3) the Kindle going to be unbeatable. Especially for 150 euros, which is what comes to cost with shipping, customs and others.

In English, no streams or milk, I recommend visiting the Wikiteca , and now contentious issues aside there is a huge range of ebooks freely available in English and English (and Mandarin Chinese) that come between the chest and back classics to cascoporro :
free - ebooks - for - kindle bibliotheka.org 1libro1euro. Com gutenberg.org archive.org manybooks . Net mobileread.com wikiteca.wordpress.com Finder Free eBooks
Some ejemplillos of curious books: Cartoon Art , Amusements in Math, Science General , Physics For Entertainment ... To organize the digital library there is nothing better than Calibre ( http://calibre-ebook.com ), which integrates all types of converters and has a function to create documents in a magazine format with hundreds of news sites online.
Anyway, that ink-e has to be seen. Without doubt, the best buys I've made.

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