Thursday, March 31, 2011

Engagement Congratulationschristian Message

601 - Draft Argentine Regulations Timber Frame Housing

That's right!
just drafted the "Draft Regulations CIRSOC 601 - Regulation Argentine Wooden Structures" and is in National Public Discussion from the March 15, 2011 and up to March 15 2012, inclusive.

I think this is a very important thing to note, since some time in Argentina the building professionals waiting to have a law in the field.

This Project was developed in allowable stresses (ASD), and it is expected that during the course of the year to develop another version in the Limits (LRFD) accompanied by their corresponding examples.

then transcribe them Methodology for submitting comments, feedback and suggestions
who want to do the same:

The observations, comments and suggestions should Headquarters send CIRSOC INTI-Av Cabildo 65 - Underground Ala Savio (C1426AAA) Buenos Aires, until on March 15, 2012, following the methodology described below:

1. It should clearly identify the proposed regulation is analyzed, as well as the article and paragraph that is observed.
2. The observations should be accompanied by his foundation and an alternative wording to the Drafting Committee for the Project noted clearly understand the spirit of observation.
3. The observations, comments and suggestions should be submitted in writing, signed and clarification of signature, and should be mailed or delivered by hand. Address details are requested, Tel, Fax, e-mail to facilitate communication.
4. Not accept comments sent by fax or e-mail, since these media can not certify the authenticity of the signature of the author of observation.

confident that this project be interested and get involved.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

How To Increase Money In Pokemon Deluge

Synthesizing information with PivotTables in Excel (Pivot)

have a rather large table and different perspectives need to extract the information it contains. For example, a table of cars, drivers, miles and consumption sometimes need to know how many miles does a driver in particular and other how much consumption a specific car. Or have a table of review documents to be drawn which are of an author or a topic ... Or give you a huge table and ask you what customers have such a product? and after a while they ask you what products have such a client? ( time fellow TM). Well, this can be done in a thousand ways, for example with Data> Filter> AutoFilter. But there is a way which sometimes is much better by calls PivotTables or Pivots , an Excel tool that allows for multiple summaries of data from a table.

from a table where each column has its unique title. We are in a column if the subject is Darn Right or (d / z), in another gender (v / m) and a third a unique identifier for each. Do not ye break the head of the table data to me just invented on the fly. Select all data, header included

and give "Data"> "Tables and Graphs Report dynamic. "

Sale a wizard, accept the defaults and give you a complete directory ...

... and the titles of the columns, such as drag indicated in the image (this is already aunue to consumer tastes, this is the creative part of the pivots)

already have the table. There is a problem, and the result is meaningless because their added values \u200b\u200bof the identifiers for each user. We changed the "sum" for the simple "count" identifiers (Other possible functions are Count, Average, Min, Max, Product ...)

already have the table

In seconds we obtained a summary table we can see at a glance key information from the original table, and answer many questions out we can do about the same how many men were involved? How many left-handed subjects? How many skilled women? Double click on any of the values \u200b\u200band create a new table with only those records that meet that condition. Click on the icon of graphs and takes us a graphic interpretation of the data. Play with it. Another day I speak of Solver and Excel scenarios.

Another good example TodoExpertos . Remember, Google is your friend . The historical data . As always, thanks for coming . If you liked the post you can subscribe via e-mail or via RSS feed ( more about RSS ). You can also follow through my Google Reader shared items and from Twitter.

Bra Holes Milena Velba

I can not format my USB stick NTFS (optimize for performance) in Windows

When I look into the option types appear only format FAT, FAT32. Checking the "Optimize for performance" appears NTFS format.

By going to copy a folder's internal structure was inconsistent with FAT. The solution was well found in OnSoftware by Alberto Cañas.

As always, thanks for coming . If you liked the post you can subscribe via email or through RSS feed ( more about RSS ). You can also follow through my Google Reader shared items and from Twitter .

Genital Wart Or Skin Tag Test

Touch - Touch

Here are three quick tricks, all Windows / Office. First, I need the documents in a folder with all the current date (well, the touch of UNIX). Particular had to "touch" ( touch ) the dates of some books (mobi extension) for the Kindle to me shown above in the list of recent

;-) Finally I served

type nul> > *. mobi & copy *. mobi +,,

Seen StackOverflow. Much eye with some alternatives that offer everything that can be destructive , is very easy to change minimally the order and delete the contents of files to touch. Best, copy to a folder and work on copies.

Do you know of any easier to do this yourself? As always, thanks for coming . If you liked the post you can subscribe via email or through RSS feed ( more about RSS ). You can also follow through my Google Reader shared items and from Twitter .

Monday, March 21, 2011

Halicobacter And Homeopathy

file dates Everett David Rumelhart 1942 - 2011

With great sadness I received the news of the death of David Everett Rumelhart (June 12, 1942 - March 13, 2011), psychologist and mathematician who made enormous contributions to the formal analysis mind, mathematical psychology, artificial intelligence and parallel distributed processing .

When I studied psychology there in mid 90's, at the height of Cognitive Psychology, his " Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures of Cognition " (Rumelhart, DE, McClelland, JL, 1986 MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass) was one of the great references. In this work introduced a number of computer simulations of perceptual processes with which it provided the first models of parallel distributed processing based on neural networks. Apprenticeship their models using units of information processing based on neural networks hierarchically not remain topical today.

With computer models simulated Rumelhart and McClelland basic aspects of perception that have been the foundation of modern machine learning. In his honor was established in 2000 the prize David E. Rumelhart . In recent Rumelhart years suffered Pick's disease, a neurodegenerative syndrome whose complications has finally died.

obituary in The New York Times . As always, thanks for coming . If you liked the post you can subscribe via email or through RSS feed ( more about RSS ). You can also follow through my Google Reader shared items and from Twitter.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gothic Anime Theme Blogger

Internet Files - Dropbox

l as USB drives (pen drives) are an essential tool for any of us. Its easy portability, ease of use, and large storage capacity are the major advantages ...

is clear that this medium is great but .... What could be better than taking the information to external media? The answer may be quite simple ... Do not take it!

How can you not take it and have the information?

Today it is possible to have a computer system in the cloud and thus provide services over the Internet.

When we say " the tag" we are simply making a metaphor for the concept, to refer to everything that comes from an Internet service. Become applications, operating systems, or in this case storage.

With this technology there are many companies that give us the possibility of using this piece of cloud as external storage media and can make use of it. In many cases this service is paid for, but we also find some of them, we offer the same service but in a free .


is a file hosting service platform in the cloud, the company operated by Dropbox. The service allows users to store and synchronize files between computers online and and share files and folders with others. There are free and paid versions, each of them with different options.

The free version which I use to share my files on this blog , offers 2 GB of available space.

La manera de funcionar es la siguiente:
Una vez instalada la aplicación en nuestro ordenador, nos aparece una carpeta llamada Dropbox (podemos elegir su ubicación o usar la que viene por defecto). Esta carpeta,  aunque la veamos como una carpeta más, realmente es un espacio en la nube . Por lo que la información no es guardada en nuestro disco duro. Si no en un medio totalmente externo.

Alguna ventajas de usar este sistema de almacenamiento son...

Information will be safeguarded in this space that in this case it is providing Dropbox, which is very useful if your hard disk is damaged.

Another advantage that we have is that if we link this directory from another computer, you'll have access to that information without any problem.

If you do not want to install any software available as a web interface that allows us to perform the same operations with our stored information.

The application is compatible with multiple operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) and devices phones like iphone, ipad ....

even have a file recovery system (a kind of recycle bin) if you have the need to restore a corrupted or deleted file.

If you want to create an account and let them try the following link with an invitation for them to register:

* Dropbox Invitation *

enjoy it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mucas Poop Baby Fever

Class Schedule - 1 Semester - 2011

These are the times of classes in Semester 1, the Civil Engineering Career UNAF, the same are updated daily last week.

Coolerfor Gygabyte 9800gt 1gb

Physics II - Issues Series

are now available in PDF format, the number of problems of the class of Physics II.
to click to download below:

PD: From finding "typing error" please report for further correction, thanks!

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A month with my Kindle (love, despite its problems)

just a ago month I have my Kindle and every day I like best.

The truth is that I bought possibly for the wrong reasons. I thought I would be able to read my files in PDF format , although in effect Kindle natively supports PDF documents and generally shows perfectly (I tested including some protected by password), the screen 6 inches is too small to be of much use with this kind of files. Read, you can read, but is not comfortable. Disillusioned process a return on Kindle two hours of unpacking . Amazon accepted the return without any problems (the customer service of Amazon is great). Finally I decided to give a second attempt, this time using the books in the native format of the pileup, Mobi , and I'm very, very happy with the aparatejo .
(For a discussion of PDFs Juan Francisco Cantero rightly indicates "To read PDFs best tablets are now selling cheap android (below 300 €). course other option is kindle big or ipad , but price will if only to be used for that. The PDFs technical book is best read without turning, are too complex ")
A major discovery has been the application Instapaper, a true wonder discovered through my friends Reader Juan Luis Chulilla and Dubit, which allows building a book / magazine based on checking off items, posts and Wikipedia entries and then download a file in mobi that can be read offline quietly . I love how well formatted displayed items, and so comfortable navigation interface to be mounted. And only by Instapaper worth catching the Kindle ... But there's more! Take a simple browser that, once caught the trick, one can manage the Internet, player MP 3 or even a text to audio converter which has its charms. The battery lasts a lot in the street in broad daylight, the screen looks perfectly and a 6''can take it up in your pocket (OK, better in the jacket: - )

The software has its flaws (I do not know to what extent is my fault for 1500 books put him to the junk at once). The case is that it tends to hang quite often when doing searches (which generally take one's own) and especially to highlight paragraphs. To bounce the Kindle slipped just hold the power button for 15 seconds. But overall experience is exceptional. There is nothing comparable to the ink-e (and I've swallowed mine on my late Toshiba Satellite). This is the future of books, I have no doubt.

So if Amazon fixes bugs software (or clearly indicates the limits of acceptable use), if they receive a better way to organize books by folders (today only allow one kind of labeling which is a bummer) and to note if you can tune it if only a little (I'd put my own screensaver without having to resort to jailbreaks and lobotomies several really do not feel like anything I do for my beautiful K3) the Kindle going to be unbeatable. Especially for 150 euros, which is what comes to cost with shipping, customs and others.

The question that follows ... How hypothetically one could fill his Kindle books? My dearest Julia very well have answered this question . Hypothetically the thing would go a site torrents (or Google) and search for ebooks , adding perhaps " kindle" or "mobi " reached the point where hypothetically one can choose Download torrent to what (and this is nothing hypothetical) will need a software program to process the torrent ( utorrent apparently doing very well). Come here, you're in no man's land. I can only recommend the very thorough information. There are risks. Should be cautious and use common sense on these fronts. A book weighs 650 MB , it has the extension. Exe , does not involve passing a scan "free" the hard drive etc etc etc ...

In English, no streams or milk, I recommend visiting the Wikiteca , and now contentious issues aside there is a huge range of ebooks freely available in English and English (and Mandarin Chinese) that come between the chest and back classics to cascoporro :

Some ejemplillos of curious books: Cartoon Art , Amusements in Math, Science General , Physics For Entertainment ... To organize the digital library there is nothing better than Calibre ( ), which integrates all types of converters and has a function to create documents in a magazine format with hundreds of news sites online.

Anyway, that ink-e has to be seen. Without doubt, the best buys I've made.

This post is an elaboration of my assessment for Amazon Kindle . Read more recommend visit of Juan Luis Chulilla , the best blog on the electronic ink. Here explain very well how electronic ink. The following articles are about the eBook and its meaning and impact in the industry: ubiquitous library, I downloaded your book and I would like to enter three euros. As always, thanks for coming . If you liked the post you can subscribe via email or via RSS feed ( more information about the RSS ). También puedes me on this mission through different shared items from Google Reader y since Twitter .

Sunday, March 6, 2011

All Kind Simple Machines

That day.

It was that day, that day that changed everything. Why write this now? Evasion can ... between both test and everything, all I want is to sit down and tell someone what happens to me ... but that somebody does not exist, and that is why I turn to you, my few readers.
all started in August, nearly half, when he had finally managed to forget everything, not thinking about nonsense and enjoy ... she appears, the person you've been waiting so long.
was walking on the promenade with a casual bun wearing my new rasta, when the distance I saw with my friends a bookstall, characteristic of metal walls as set only in summer. They all stopped to see books mentioned some, watching others, but then my eyes just stood on someone, the girl that served in office, his dark skin, green eyes, short hair, her perfect body and that smile, that smile that everyone attending, I was completely spellbound, and was at that moment that his eyes stood for a few seconds on mine, I knew I was looking into the eyes, but still could not look away, at the time a customer asked a question, she looked at the client at a time that I look down without really knowing what just happened, did not know if she expected him to say something or just .. had same thing happened to me. My friends
rank disinterested and walked on, I on the way that we had was facing the ground, I could not get out of my head that look so intense, I was going crazy ... one of the previous post I talked about a girl from the beach with me last Easter lie because she was one of my best friends who approached me to wonder what happened to me, while the rest of my friends went home, she and I were alone, I told him everything, she is one of the few people that I have no secrets, she said she wanted to return, we would ask what time would close at night. Would return at that time ... but I can not continue to count, write again soon, but soon, not in two months, try to at least write one post every two weeks. :)