The first thing you noticed when he opened his eyes was light, bright, and then a white ceiling, frowned, her attic room was painted green and was immediately lifted his head noticing a twinge of pain in her mouth still tasted like alcohol, to his left was a handsome man asleep, now he remembered it all, a crazy night, a couple of drinks too many, and made the miracle, "that shit I'm trying to prove? "he thought, got out of bed with a start, he was wearing when the big boy awoke.
- What are you doing? Are you going? At least give me your number ... or your name, wait! - he said.
She did not answer, they echo the graceful hair back, grabbed her purse and left. She knew it was not his fault, she was, she was angry with the situation, had done it again, and she certainly knew it was a way to deceive itself, had to begin to see reality with new eyes, their eyes, to love itself, but could not.
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