Estoy harta de que todos me digan que es normal que es típico que es corriente.. xq yo NO me siento así...SOLA.. porque quizás nunca podré pasear de la mano de mi pareja sin que la gente nos look in a rare and may never have the wedding I always dreamed as a child, also may never have children and someday when I die ... people do not respect the same way my partner as my husband, and what scares me the most is that it would be easier to be someone else .. and the worst esq nothing is clear everything is DOUBT, xq am with a lovely child and perfect and although I try not get to see him as something more than my friend, and worst corner can get you hurt and that would be awful .. esq me looks through eyes and that smile makes me want to hug him, to cuddly but nothing more, and here I am trying to fool myself by pretending that I like a person who may never get to like me ..
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