Before I have to say this .. not like a piece either, I differ from others only by the tenderness and passion we both there and at that moment .. was no fluke, but neither was thought, just the two we knew deep in our unconscious, I will not go straight to the point, because for that you concentrate all of you reading as you need at least a few lines .. .
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Kate Playground Hardcore?
Before I have to say this .. not like a piece either, I differ from others only by the tenderness and passion we both there and at that moment .. was no fluke, but neither was thought, just the two we knew deep in our unconscious, I will not go straight to the point, because for that you concentrate all of you reading as you need at least a few lines .. .
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
On Period Use Baby Wipes

should not really be called second piece should be called second and third, as the third and second time are linked, they passed one after another, it is not as passionate as the previous story, but finally .... I tell others to come up with more questions and scandal!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Groping On Trains In Japan Vids
* Are encouraged to substitute alternative methods satisfactory experiments
* Every year 12 million animals used in scientific procedures
* is prohibited, without exception, experimentation on great apes

The Twenty-seven agreed on Tuesday in the Council of the European Union
experiments will need to have prior authorization from the authorities and advocates developing alternative methods which replaced the use of animals in laboratory tests. In addition, national centers will be established whose function is similar, in the English case, the English Red Development of Alternative Methods to Animal Testing (REMA).
The text, adopted by the 27 aims to reduce "the Pussycat" the number of specimens tested to , without compromising the quality of the results and eliminate "pain and suffering" which is subjected to these animals. The final objective aims to "fully replace testing on live animals as possible from the scientific point of view"
The initiative has been welcomed by the NGO
Desde la división española de esta ONG,
Se prohíben los experimentos con los grandes simios
These issues, referred Díez, are all about experimentation on great apes, chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan. experimentation is prohibited animals that are endangered, except that a Member State may authorize its use if the goal is the conservation of the species.
Another of the assumptions that allow experimentation on great apes is if there is a clinical condition , unexpectedly, that threatens human life .
ANDA spokesman, Alberto Diez, made clear that "no choice about whether or not animals experience because it is a sterile discussion. The research is there, but it must be as narrowly as possible, and above all seek the promotion, use and validation of alternative methods."
The directive also covers other animals that were not covered by the measures taken in 1986, and certain vertebrates, larvae, fetuses of mammals in the last trimester of pregnancy and cephalopods.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
My Wife Talks About Going To A Mandingo Party
I decided to self-diagnose a therapy to find out for sure, I've been thinking and not whether it will work, but anyway .. I lose nothing by trying. The therapy consists in telling one at each mess that I had with each girl.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Soccer Events In China 2010

Estoy harta de que todos me digan que es normal que es típico que es corriente.. xq yo NO me siento así...SOLA.. porque quizás nunca podré pasear de la mano de mi pareja sin que la gente nos look in a rare and may never have the wedding I always dreamed as a child, also may never have children and someday when I die ... people do not respect the same way my partner as my husband, and what scares me the most is that it would be easier to be someone else .. and the worst esq nothing is clear everything is DOUBT, xq am with a lovely child and perfect and although I try not get to see him as something more than my friend, and worst corner can get you hurt and that would be awful .. esq me looks through eyes and that smile makes me want to hug him, to cuddly but nothing more, and here I am trying to fool myself by pretending that I like a person who may never get to like me ..
How Long For Results Of Mri Scan Cervical Cancer
Today, a moment ago, I went to the hospital, I had many symptoms of allergy and I went to the emergency room because it is very annoying.
Masterbation & Lisbians
I'm a girl either, a plain little town, in a school of the lot .. but even though I try not consider myself running ..