Monday, October 25, 2010

Medicare And Bariatric Surgery Australia

Formación del Ingeniero para el Desarrollo Sostenible - Congreso Mundial de Ingenieria 2010 - Argentina

Going straight to the point I leave two "tickets" very interesting blog caminandosobretiza dealing with the above in Chapter 5 "FIDS" World Congress on Engineering 2010 - Argentina:

Escaping to the formation of solvent technologically barbaric

Under the 2010 Argentina World Congress on Engineering , representatives of local and foreign universities presented a series of works based on the concepts of education active, participatory, ethical and creative . Then Daniel Samoilovich , Columbus Association in Paris and Geneva, gave a presentation entitled Beyond the rhetoric: Are institutions prepared to renew the training paradigms? Walking on chalk made a compilation of concepts that bear some similarity between the two papers to give the reader a larger debate about the Student-Centered Education poses new challenges to members and the same organization of academic activity.

The Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) conducted research on learning difficulties Computer Engineering. A major complication was relieved in the relationship between theory and practice. As stated in the faculty of the house of studies, found that the texts used put too much emphasis on the use of tools and relegated the study of the technological method. For this reason, the faculty began to wonder from where I was thinking about specialization, and that opened the door to new discoveries.

After a series of surveys to students of the race, the teachers noted a number of contradictions in the responses showed that the problem behind the lack of integration between theory and practice are based on young people's understanding of ; MODEL , and for that reason do not quite understand what he meant by the institution and its faculty with a TECHNOLOGY MODEL. One of the solutions found was show-circuit problem similar to which students meet daily in their work, and to detect errors in an innovative way.

Moreover, in the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) , promoter of the project Super Soup - a high energy food destined for soup kitchens - presented another complication in the teaching of graphic disciplines . According to the speaker, as the house of study with an initial cycle only for their degrees, that is not necessarily connected with specific skills for each orientation, students may feel frustrated or discouraged, and that leads to dropping out and low yields.

To turn around this situation, came to the theory of Donald Schön and the concept of Reflective Practicum , noting the importance of "a situation designed and ready for the task learning practice. " The possibility of involving students in their own interests and research, allowed a change of attitude on his part and thus appeared "best productions and more enthusiasm."

Students could find solutions rather than deviating from the same problem, and thus create their own programs learning, not only based on monitoring a static curriculum and methodology based on the transmission of knowledge, not on ownership and collaborative intelligence.

The chicken or the egg

Some of the speakers agreed that the educational model change, one of the greatest challenges and responsibilities fall on the teacher. That is, although students now demand a different education are the teachers, along with institutional support, to be the biggest step in the process of change. " The teacher on the conveyor change" said.

Another axis of agreement among the panelists was on the abandonment of concern to bind the Engineering with development and environmental care . The universities have focused more on technique and neglected its relationship with the environment, as well as its impact on the planet. In this way, said one speaker, the students went on to become "technologically solvents barbarians."

The following article will cover the content of the talk of Daniel Samoilovich , he confronted some of the statements of the panelists who preceded him and showed its focus on training Student-Centered.

If new training paradigms are the answer, what is the question?

In times where the educational system and models are being questioned, Samoilovich Daniel, director of the Columbus Association in Paris and Geneva, used under World Congress 2010 Argentina Engineering to present a talk titled Beyond the rhetoric: Are institutions prepared to renew learning paradigms? During his presentation, the scholar said that talking with a colleague concluded that these changes can take two forms: Natural or Milagrosa. The first two angels come down and illuminate the path, and second that teachers agree.

Using further analysis, Samoilovich said: " if new training paradigms are the answer, what is the question? . " Today it is increasingly marked trend which states that the labor market requires new job descriptions, expectations of young people are getting higher, and that universities are under scrutiny in regard to systems accreditation, financing. For that reason, the modification of a model for the implementation of the Student-Centered Education, it is often a difficult road to travel to institutions.

"Most of the changes are a macchia di leopard are pockets of innovation, isolated initiatives Why? There is a curve in which they are the pioneers, then the fans and then Recalcitrant, at this late stage is a big barrier to overcome, "he said.

One of the issues for which Samoilovich said it is difficult to change, it is because it affects the Core Business of the institution. "It affects quality management methods ." Can only be done with an institutional commitment, including resources, student support service and training of teachers:

  • Developing a vision : training student-centered universities can push more participatory and quality.
  • Context learning: first, it is a Copernican revolution of content to learning outcomes in curriculum design, and second, are active teaching, the student is the center, third, to use training assessments, and fourth, enhances employability.
  • Identify drivers: must be designated academic coordinators, support structures for technological innovation and pedagogical, to provide services to students, training programs, academic personnel policies, and adjust the assessment of students in program improvement.
  • estimate the costs related : academic resources, investment in infrastructure, support structures, tutors and counselors.
  • Identify options for resource allocation : public universities do not have accounting tools for measuring costs.

In the latter case, companies can become a great ally of universities as academic said. While noting that there is a asynchrony between cycles that each requires and demands, "it takes time to study engineering." He also invited the private sector to participate by providing content, and not only of helping finance the education field.

Leaving open the debate, asked the audience if Samoilovich students allies, really. "Are they passive? Are they easy? We are sure that they are more heterogeneous, hard to apply what they learned, but you have to know their demands to respond to them. "

Sunday, October 24, 2010

To Book A Wrestling Session

Videos del Congreso Mundial - Ingeniería 2010 - Argentina

In my attendance at the World Congress and Exhibition "Engineering 2010 - Argentina "I had the opportunity to film some of the conferences that were held, they correspond to the Youth Forum and in particular to Chapter 5: Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (FIDS), which decided to attend chapter. (I remind you that the 6 chapters of the Congress were developed simultaneously in different rooms).

like to share with you these videos, and take this opportunity to invite those who take photos of Congress and / or videos of other conferences, share them with other students unable to attend.

Videos Forum: Youth in Engineering and Business - JIE

Featured speakers:

Carlos Bacher Eng - Executive Vice Techint Engineering and Construction (Argentina)

The role of engineers in the development of activity economic and country.

Chapter 5:
Engineering Education for Sustainable Development - FIDS
coincident with
VIII World Congress on Engineering Education - WCE
and the
VII Argentine Congress on Engineering Education - CAEDI

Neveska Rodriguez Martinez:

Luis Eduardo Perez Farrell, Maria Eva Koutsovitis:

Gustavo Baruch, John Federico, Carlos Aggio, John Pavlicevic

Paul Galotti

N . S. Pflüger, Maria Cristina Cordero, Jose Antonio Rapallini, Samuel Eduardo Lozada
Villena; Miguel A. Stalano, Miguel Angel Staiano

Nestor Blanco, Claudia Minnaard, Marta Comoglio, Mariana Fernández
Teachers Network

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Range Finding Rifle Scope

Congreso Mundial y Exposición - Ingeniería 2010 - Argentina: Trabajos

I'm back after attending the World Congress and Exhibition " Engineering 2010 - Argentina ", which were developed the following chapters and forums:
  • Women Forum
  • Youth Forum
  • ICT
  • Energy and Climate Change (ECC)
  • Innovation in Primary Production and Agro-Food Industries (IPPI)
  • Great Metropolis and Infrastructure (GMI)
  • Inbgeniero Training for Sustainable Development (EESD)
  • Profecional Engineering Practice ( PPI)
as we know, not everyone has the opportunity to attend an event like this, so I'd like to share the CD that we gave at the congress, which contains all jobs of the different chapters developed. To download only have to click the image below:


Size: 119 MB
Format:. RAR

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vincent Van Gogh Streaming

Método Para La Dosificación De Hormigones - del ICPA - García Balado


Author: John F. Garcia Balado
Year: 1982
Format: PDF in a file.
ZIP Size: 16 MB
Pages: 64
Language: English

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What To Wear Under Soccer Jersey

Reglamentación Para la Ejecución de Instalaciones Eléctricas en Inmuebles - AEA 90364

This is the Regulation of the Electrotechnical Association Argentina, for the execution of electrical installations in buildings. I hope you find it useful.

I leave for good measure a post I found on Drop and found it very good for those who perform electrical installations or planning to in the future, it is titled "Build Your correct electrical installation", please click below to access the post:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Medtronic minimed dismantle

Verdades ingenieriles!!! (Parte 2)

The second installment A new installment of "engineering truths"
to laugh a while! xD

An engineer was called to fix a complex supercomputer valued at $ 10 million. Sitting in front of the screen, pressed a few keys, nodded, muttered something to himself and turned off the device. He proceeded to take a small screwdriver from his pocket and turned and a half to a tiny screw.

Then the computer on again and found it was working perfectly.

The company president was delighted and offered to pay the bill on the spot.

- How much do I owe? - Asked.
- Son thousand dollars, if you please.
- A thousand dollars? A thousand dollars a few minutes of work? A thousand dollars for a single small screw tightening? I know my computer is worth $ 10 million, but a thousand dollars is a crazy amount! I will pay only if I send a fully detailed invoice to justify it.

The engineer nodded and left. The next morning, the President received the bill, read it carefully, shook his head and proceeded to pay on the spot without hesitation.

The invoice said


tighten a screw
$ 1 Knowing which screw press ........... $ 999

Total $ 1,000 ....................................... ;

Three engineers and design of the human body ...

- Obviously, it is a work of a mechanical engineer, look at the joints in the bones of the hand, ...

- No man was an electrical engineer, but as we explain the nervous system, the complexities of the brain, ...

- Nah, no idea, did a civil engineer ... anyone else would think to put a toxic drain near a playground.

What is a complex child?

A child with a real mother and father imaginary.

Jesus said to his apostles: Y = X ^ 2

and seeing that they looked at each other implying that they had not understood, Jesus repeated: Y = X ^ 2

until Peter said, Lord, not understand.

And Jesus said

is a parable, stupid!

Legend has it that God, at the time of creation, knowledge reserved for a select group of men, engineers. They in their infinite wisdom, he believed demigods are received by, and eventually, to challenge God's creation, God as a curse imposed the following commands:

- You will not have family or social life ever.
- you will never see your children grow is more, hardly the truly awake.
- Your hair is bleached earlier than usual, well, If you still have hair.
- If you're lucky, you will have gastritis. Under normal conditions, suffer from ulcers
- Your diet is based on sandwiches, pizza and Chinese food mainly.
- The only way to interact (face to face) with people of the same intellectual level (or rather , with others) will be happy hours and business meetings.
- You are a close friend of the coffee, then suddenly came the moment that the caffeine will not make effect.
- In less than five years of career, your sanity will be put in check.
- Work will be your only issue and reason for living.
- Descanso, holidays, weekends, holidays, days are just not going to the office, so does not mean you have to work those days.
- For you people is divided in two: those who know engineering and those without. And it really grace.
- Sleep is considered a rest period, therefore, you can not sleep.
- Even in bed, solve work problems

And worst of all, enjoy it!!

Three engineers are in a car on a deserted road, suddenly the car stops on its own and will not restart without thinking Mechanical Engineer says \\ "As far as I can be the transmission, must review! \\ ", Electronic Engineer says, \\" No, I bet it's electronic ignition system, was damaged fuse \\ "the Both look at the System Engineer and this, it is thoughtful and after a moment of silence says. \\ "And if we go out and back in? \\"

- To the optimist, the glass is half full.
- To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
- To the engineer, the glass is twice as large as it should be.

Two engineering students were walking campus when one of them said

- \\ "Where did you get such a great bike? \\"

The second replied:

- \\ "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all his clothes
and said, \\ "Take what you want \\".

The second engineer nodded

- \\ "Good choice! The clothes probably would not have come! \\ ".

At a party function is dancing" sin x "with" cos x "," sin x "is given realize that "e to the x" is sitting alone on one side of the track. Then you friendly and tells you about:
* Come to dance, INTEGRATE!!
and answers :
* No, why?! If you do not care!

engineers are not distracted, they are high impedance.

an engineer has died and went to the gates of Heaven. We know that the engineers for their honesty
always go to heaven.

San Pedro
reached into his file, but was a little disorganized lately not found in the pile of papers, so he said : \\ 'Sorry, you're not ready ... \\'.

So the engineer went to the gate of hell gave him shelter and accommodation immediately. Some time passed and the Engineer tired of suffering the miseries of hell, and began designing and building improvements.

Over time, already had ISO 9000, ash monitoring system, air conditioning, toilets with drainage , escalators, electronics, telecommunications networks, predictive maintenance programs, visual control systems, fire detection systems, digital thermostats, etc.. and the engineer was very good reputation.

One day God called the Devil by phone and asked suspicious tone:

\\ 'So what ..... How are there in hell? \\ '

We luuujo! We have ISO 9000, ash monitoring system, air conditioning, toilets, drainage, escalators, electronics, Internet, etc. Hey, join my e-mail address is:

. I do not know what the next surprise of the engineer! \\ '.

\\' What, WHAT!
Does it have an engineer there? That is wrong! should never have got there an engineer. The engineers always go to heaven, it is written and solved now. I send it immediately! \\ '.

\\' No way!. I like having a plant engineer in the organization ... And I'm going to stay with him forever \\ '.

\\' o. .....
will demand !!... TE \\ '.

And the Devil, with blurred vision by the tremendous burst of laughter that burst, God replied:

\\ "Oh Yeah? ... And curiosity ... WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GET A LAWYER? \\ 'If everyone is here!

MUST UNDERSTAND THE ENGINEERS, love, bless and thank God for having created!

1. They do not want to be right always, is that the other always wrong.

2. An engineer is not devoid of feelings, is the others are about girls crying.

3. An engineer does not see the world, change it.

4. An engineer is not to be a grown up, is that mere mortals do not understand.

5. An engineer does not make mistakes, just test if the others were paying attention!

6. Not that you create a big thing, IS THAT THEY ARE!

Meeting of engineers:
An engineer was meeting with colleagues, taking something and I said to them:
Engineer: Last night I met a stunning woman in a club.
Friends: Guaaaauuu!
Engineer: So I invited her to go for a drink at home .... and she accepted!
Friends: Guaaaaaaauuuuuuu!
Engineer: We drank a couple drinks and started kissing her.
Friends: Guaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Engineer: There, unbelievably, the blonde said,
\\ "Take off all clothing NOW! \\ "
Friends: Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Engineer: Then I remove the clothes, the grip and completely undressed, threw it on the table where I had my new PDA (so a Personal Digital Assistant) ...
Friends: Hajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!, you got a new PDA !!!!!!!!!.
Y. ... has, has, what processor you have?, How much are your hard drive?, how much memory you have?, does Windows 7?, "TFT? Insurance cost you an arm and a leg ..! ... etc. ... etc etc.. ..

A man flying in a balloon, you realize you're lost, so maneuvering and down until you see someone on the street and shout:

\\ "Excuse me, could you help me?, I have been to meet the two with a friend, took half an hour late and do not know where I am.

\\ "Sure, he answers, you are in a hot air about 30m high, between 40 and 42 north latitude and 58 and 60 degrees west longitude.

\\ "Are you an engineer, right? \\" says the balloonist.

\\ "Yes, sir. I am. How did you guess? \\ "

\\" is simple. For everything you have told me is \\ "technically correct \\" but \\ "practically useless \\".

\\ "I remain lost, be late and do not know what to do with your information ...

you manager, right? \\" asked the street.

\\ "Yes sir, how did you know? \\"

\\ "is simple. Do not know where he is or where it goes. He made a promise , it can not deliver and expect someone else to solve the problem. In fact, is exactly the same position it was before we met, except that now, for some strange reason ,..... The shame on me! \\ "

An architect, an artist and an engineer were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress.
The architect said he enjoyed being with his wife, building a solid foundation for a lasting relationship.
The artist felt that he preferred to be with her lover, passion and mystery he found it.
Finally, I speak the engineer:
- I'll take two.
- With the two? "Asked the architect and artist.
- Yes," replied the engineer. Taking wife and mistress, will you each with the other and thus can you go to work to work.

A vector to another said: olle, you have a moment?

That is a slice of bread with the symbol of integration within?

.... An Integrated Pan ....

are at the same party, the party functions ... it is a (X ^ 2) very sucked out running around, a cosine Chamullo to Cosecant (since the drying not really liked) .. suddenly startled them all, and begin to grumble ... and look who came say no ... (X ^ 2) to run and scream: \\ '\\' not my worst nightmare came the derivative \\ '\\', the derivative got what I wanted at the party, because everyone was afraid of that transformation is more they kept saying that (X ^ 2) crying porq no was more so, because it was 2X ...
Suddenly, the derivative is close to a chair, telling a function that was talking to the Sound (which was when I saw it coming) ..
- \\ '\\' Sali the couch, here I feel I \\ '\\'
- \\ '\\' drink it, here I am me and I will not move, made over to me was my new friend \\ '\\' ;
- \\ '\\' But you know who I am, says the derivative \\ '\\'
- \\ '\\' If I have but do not fear you I do not do anything \\ '\\' ;
- \\ '\\' And you who you are, you get the strong q \\ '\\'
- \\ '\\' Gilaza I am (e ^ x) \\ '\\'

One day, an engineer was crossing a road when a frog , I call and said \\ "If you kiss me, I turn into a beautiful princess \\".
bent down, picked up the frog and put it in your pocket. The frog spoke again and said \\ "If you kiss me and turn me into a beautiful princess, I'll stay with you for a week \\". The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled and returned to his place.
The frog then scream \\ "If you kiss me and turn me into a princess, I will stay with you and do whatever you want \\".
Again the engineer took the frog out, smiled and put it back into your pocket .
Finally, the frog asked,
- Well, what happens? I told you I'ma beautiful princess, I'll stay with you for a week and do anything you want.
So ... why do not you kiss me?
- Look, I'm engineer. I have no time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog .... So if you do not let go ...!.

A priest, a doctor and an engineer were a morning playing golf. As luck would have before them was another group of golfers playing very slow, all the time what had to be waiting.
- \\ "What about these guys? \\" "complains engineer-\\" We must have waited 15 minutes! \\ "
- \\ "No, but I've never seen such ineptitude! \\"-involving the doctor.
- \\ "Here comes the greens \\." "Reports the cure \\ "Let's ask ... \\"
- \\ "Hello, Jorge, hey, what's with that group ahead of us? They're rather slow, no? \\"
- \\ "Oh, yeah ... is a group of blind firefighters ... \\" "says the gardener. \\ "They lost their sight while trying to save from the flames of our clubhouse last year, and in return, we let them play always free. \\"
The group was silent a moment.
- \\ "How sad \\" said the priest. \\ "Say a special prayer for them tonight. \\"
- \\ "I try contact with a colleague of mine who is an ophthalmologist to see if you can do something for them. \\ "added the doctor.
And the engineer says: \\" - And why not play at night?. \\ "

- What is the difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers?
- Mechanical Engineers build weapons. Civil Engineers build targets.


A helicopter is 10,000 parts flying in formation more or less.
A building structure is 5000 tons miscalculated. Fighting gravity through the action of wallpaper


- \\ "It really hurts my shoulder. I you should see a doctor \\ ".
One friend said:
- \\" No do that! \\ ". \\" There is a computer at the drugstore that can diagnose anything quicker and much cheaper than a doctor. Simply put a sample of your urine and the computer will diagnose your problem and we will suggest what you can do to fix
. In addition, it costs only $ 500. \\ "
The man thought he had nothing to lose, then filled a jar with urine and went to the pharmacy. He found the computer and put the urine into a funnel was in the machine. Then he placed the 500 pesetas. in the slot.
The computer started making noises, turn on and off various lights and then after a short pause, one slot out a paper saying: * You have
tennis shoulder. Rub your arm with warm salt water. Do not make physical efforts of magnitude. In two weeks will be much better.
Later, while thinking how wonderful it was this technology and how it would change medical science forever, he came up if the computer could not be deceived. Decided to test whether I could do, I mix tap water some dog excrement and pee a little daughter and his wife. In conclusion masturbated and put his semen into the mix, in addition to 500 pesetas. After the sounds and lights of rigor, the machine printed the following analysis:
* The water is too impure. Buy a purifier.
* Your dog has worms. Give vitamins.
* Your daughter is a drug addict. Intérnela in a rehabilitation institute.
* His wife is pregnant. And not yours, get a lawyer.
* And if you do not stop jacking ... WILL NOT HEAL SHOULDER NEVER!

An engineer in charge of a major management in a major firm, following the stress of their work suffers a crisis and he recommended a few days off in the field.
The doctor sent him to the farm of an acquaintance.
After spending 2 days doing nothing, the engineer was tired of life bucolic, pastoral and supremely bored.
So he decided to talk to the farmer who hosted and ask a simple task to hang out and take the time, while to some exercise.

The next day they rose early, before sunrise. The farmer, who knows the idiosyncrasies of the engineers and fearing some irreparable mess, decided to assign simple tasks that could not cause damage (including himself).

- The task is simple. "Said the farmer giving a shovel-
Just pick up the manure that is in the pig sty and distribute the seed to pay it.

- When you're done come to me, "he added.

The farmer owned more than two hundred pigs, and manure is piled to the height of the knee. So the man felt that the task would take to engineer
2 or 3 days.

What was his surprise, when after three hours showed the Engineer, full of manure to the ears smiling and happy face.

- I'm done, "he said.

Seeing that in fact the task was finished, and it efficiently, the farmer decided to allocate another.

- Good. .. You have to sacrifice a few chickens and pick them up tomorrow for the carnage. Just cut off their heads, "he said giving a big knife-

- is a bit trickier, but it sure can.

There were more than 1500 chickens for slaughter, and assumed that the Engineer end until well into the night. Even thought of help later when finished collecting planting.

Barely a couple of hours when the engineer came before him, with all the clothes and faces stained with blood, jagged knife, and smiling like a child on the day of the Magi.

- I'm done.

The farmer could not get over his astonishment.
Incredible!, he himself, accustomed to the hard rural life, would not have done better: 1500 chickens perfectly beheaded!

The farmer scratched his head thoughtfully.
Wear Engineer with a large pile of potatoes and said

- Okay. Now we have to separate the potatoes.
Large right and left small.

the farmer thought that in less than an hour to see it again asking
more work
Engineer .

But it was not.
lunchtime, For dinner, he was dark, and Engineer
not appear.

Believing that something would have happened, the farmer was scared where he had left the Engineer, and found him sitting at the same pile of potatoes, with no separate no.

- Is something wrong? Strange question.

The engineer came back with a potato in his hand and said,

- Look, distribute beheading shit and it's something I'm quite accustomed .. . But this decision-making ...!

are a lot of the greatest scientists in history playing hide and seek (Plank, Newton , Einstein, Heisenberg, Fibonnaci, etc).
In a Fibonacci turn it 'to be the counting and the other hide. As expected, start counting 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13, 21,34,55, ... Meanwhile Newton was looking for a place to hide, but they were all occupied. Then in despair and seeing that Fibonaci have almost finished, take a piece of chalk, draw a box on the floor and stands above him. Fibonacci finished counting and when you turn the first thing you see is a Newton.
- One two three
Fibonacci, while Newton was to the misunderstanding.
-One two three Newton - Repeat Fibonacci. Newton still made the other way as Fibonacci goes to him.
- Sir Newton, I said one two three for you. - Fibonacci says. Newton responds
- Can I talk to my Mr. Fibonacci?, I am no Newton, I'm Pascal.
Fibonacci, a little surprised responds
- Of course you are Newton, I know him perfectly.
- Permitare correct his mistake Mr Fibonacci - replica
Newton - Newton'm not, I'm Pascal. Do not you see? Newton square meter.

A friend who had a girlfriend who told him the asymptote, the more it gets closer pa sent him shit .

In a village near Pasto, the Municipal Mayor, received an urgent telegram saying:
\\ 'trepidatorio quake, possibly 7 on Richter scale detected in your area. Locate the epicenter and report changes to the flora and fauna \\ '.

Several weeks later comes the reply of Mayor of Pasto to his superiors:

\\' epicenter was located and arrested , already confessed and is in custody awaiting orders from above.
Telluric was killed on the scene. The Richter and others such 8 bastard blew trepidatorio movement, but most fish. The Flora and Fauna of the cast of people for whores .. \\ '

Note: We had not been informed before there was an earthquake because the son of a bitch.

I have heard that the new Tom Cruise movie will be \\ "Mission Impossible IV \\" in which the agent Ethan Hunt will be trying to calculate the primitive integral e ^ x / x

Monday, October 4, 2010

Which Is Better La Mer Or Clinique

Launch Digital Studio Magazine Pozzi Azzaro

I just got the following story, I'd like to share with you all!
This proposal of the study "Pozzi Azzaro Engineering" is intended to serve as a bridge between professionals from Argentina and Latin America, through a digital publication to exchange ideas and experiences.
understand that the growth of the country and its people is achieved through multiple factors. But it can never be absent from the momentum generated by the desire to create, expressed both public policy and in the development of individual skills to the production dunks in all areas.
Throughout history we saw the impact they had on society's economic plans tied to the financial sector and without support in production. And how that same philosophy is now affecting developed countries in the global economy.
4zetas (Editorial) is intends to present the work of engineers in all areas, to be aware that any productive project involves human effort (intellectual and financial) that deserve to be known and recognized because they provide value to the work and because ultimately turn to society as a whole, allowing improvements in the lives of its members.
Since early this year Engineering Study Pozzi Azzaro faced growth projects as the implementation of software sales by e-commerce and credit card, thus expanding the market for software users outside Argentina limits, training publications (e-learning) free from their website ( Digital Magazine and now we are presenting and will reach more than 1500 users of the software engineering and our customers as well as Universities, Councils and Schools of Engineering, government and general practitioners in Latin America, Brazil and Spain.
For all this, we invite you to enter and look forward to your cooperation by providing comments and material for this magazine.

The contents of this first issue are:

  • Floods in Buenos Aires - Hydraulic Plan - Arroyo Maldonado
  • Use of Computing Structural Engineering
  • Building Trust in
  • Water and Sanitation - Situation in Argentina
  • missing Engineers

* Requires Internet Explorer or Firefox and updated QickTime - Not available in Chrome